Week 6 Podcast (Video)

I did this assignment for this week in Digital Rhetorics on a class I'll be teaching this fall as a Graduate Teaching Assistant, or GTA. There's definitely room for improvement (especially with the narration).

Here is the transcript:

          Good morning and Welcome to English 0123, or Writing Enhancement – My name is John and I’m very glad you’re here. This is where we will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (three time a week) from 10:00 to 10:50 (for one hour) to work through the college level writing process. Many of you may wonder why you are here because you obviously know how to write. You assume you know how to write well enough to churn out a few prose and get through high school, right? Of course, and you would be right in this assumption. However, the question now becomes, are those same prose from high school good enough for college level academics? Since I am not familiar with your work as of yet, I cannot say one way or another. what I do know is that I am here to help those wanting to write better become better writers. I will assist you to the best of my ability in the journey to bring your writing skills up to the level they need to be for college and hopefully you will find out along the way that college writing is just another level of formal self-expression. College writing includes many of the same things high school writing does; it asks questions and attempts to answer others as well. In my opinion, academic, or college level writing is the highest form of self-expression one can aspire to. Writing succinctly, concisely, and above all, coherently – presenting ideas (or theories) is just another level of communication. However, within this upper-level communication are rules., styles, and formats that must be adhered to.

            A little history on writing: From the earliest forms of pre-language communication, human beings expressed their thoughts through images and gestures. The basics were there, but there was no way to express abstract concepts or ideas to others until language was developed. Once language evolved, most people could speak it but not everyone could read, much less write it. Reading and writing were reserved for the “elite” and wealthy – those of nobility, but not for the common people. In this way the wealthy could hold dominion over those who could not read or write. In essence, they had the power. For the common people, this lack of literacy gave rise to a rich oral tradition that would perpetuate cultural histories and family lineage for centuries. Cultural beliefs were handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth until they were eventually written down and record-keeping became the norm. Today there is such a focus on writing (especially at the college level), that not being able to perform this essential function can be a hindrance to a good paying job post-graduation.

            I want everyone to know that this class will be what you make of it. Yes, there will be certain essays that have to be written, and this will be to check overall progress throughout the course. There will be those in this class that find the work of creation within the contraints of academia not so challenging, and there will be those who will struggle. This is okay because my opportunity here is to assist each of you, regardless of your skill level. But please, those of you who are struggling, even though I will probably know who you are, there may be times that I may not. If this is the case, do not keep it a secret. In other words, don’t suffer in silence. I need to know what challenges you are facing to help you. Again, let me know if you need assistance or I cannot do my job. Do not feel discouraged and do nothing. This is a writing class, true but it is also one of communication and communication is a two-way street.

            Remember good and effective writing has its own energy and can be extremely powerful. Some say that knowledge is power, and I believe this. However, knowledge is useless unless it is put into action and writing is the catalyst that, combined with knowledge, can make great things happen. 


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